Outdoor Investment Holdings has evolved from a single small retail store in Stellenbosch focusing on photographic and hunting-related optical equipment into an investment holding company which has investments in hunting and outdoor retailers and wholesalers, as well as a chain of mega pet stores.
Group companies:
Safari Outdoor
Largest hunting, shooting, conservation and related-goods retailer in Africa with five mega-stores, a smaller Safari Country concept store, over 800 brands, 400 staff members and interactions with 800,000 customers.
Formalito (Wholesaler)
Acquired in 2016, Formalito has a track record or more than 55 years and services more than 840 customers in South Africa.
Inyathi Sporting Supplies
Inyathi was established in 2011 to distribute leading international brands.
Family Pet Centre
A destination store for families with pets with 3 mega-stores.

As at December 2022 – Group valued at 6x rolling 12-month EBIT + balance sheet adjustments